Friday, November 12, 2010

Want to succeed? What is your biggest dream?

Dreaming about a beautiful home with a happy family, or maybe a thriving business, providing plenty of job satisfaction. Note that this can be done. And what may surprise you, no need to have rich parents, knowledge and happiness. It's just ...
... Excuse not to move before the TV or computer playing silly games or becoming interested in this, which will add to an earring, P

All we need is a little motivation and a desire to change his life. So get up from his chair and begin to be realized. Do something with your life. The worst part is that since childhood we are programmed by their parents. All the time we always say, "be polite / a, learn hard, earn good grades, then go to college and find well-paid job." They do not know of one. That it is not always a recipe for a rewarding and joyous life. Do what's to be fully realized.

How to hear that someone is on strike, that few are paying the prices are rising, that no one has time for anything, just work and work. If your job gives you pleasure and satisfy your wages you are glad, and probably most of you now envy. I envy most of the others that they have a big house and drive profitable business for holidays to exotic countries. I hope you realized that a little bit and you know what I mean.

So stop complaining about the prices, the lack of time, and do not justify. That you are responsible / and for who you are, where you are, what you have and how you feel. Nobody on behind you does not decide about your life. You may not agree with me, but it really is you You agreed to so far have reported on everything that someone gave you and what conditions posed. Start working on your account, not his boss. Coming from work or school and sitting in front of the television to watch the others complaining about on the news do not change anything. There are no excuses (all the time to repeat, but this is important).

Do you know who he is Thomas Edison, and closer to our times, Michael Jordan and the Polish Karol Bielecki szczypiornista? They have one thing, they achieved success in spite of everything, despite the fact that someone dołował them as teachers and coaches do not even life. But they could to oppose this, they were stronger than themselves, from their fear. Thomas Edison teacher said that he is too stupid to achieve anything in life. Today, everyone can not imagine life without light bulbs, and the value of its business is measured in billions of dollars. Michael Jordan was fired from the school basketball team, then locked himself in his room and cried. Today, says that thanks to that other one event was a success and we could admire its beautiful ripples. Karol Bielecki last example most clearly convinces us that a great motivation and desire can win even with physical handicap. I recently went around the sports world a terrible message. In one of the matches Charles lost his eye. Underwent several operations but this is what happened after waking from sleep, probably surprised everybody. Charles said it was just the eye, and must learn to live differently. Nobody would have imagined that he would return to the sport. And yet. In the last game he threw the first goal and was the top scorer in the German Bundesliga derby meeting.

These three are the best examples of paintings that, if something we always get it, but it must be backed by action. Maybe something you do not go out, you may suffer a defeat but the emphasis is on your response to this adversity. To succeed you must have a motivation that is not the kill a lion's nothing a few days and she and her young lions starving. She has no choice, or antelope, or death. The same is true in our lives either trying again and again until we succeed or unfortunately ...

For several years he played football at the club as a goalkeeper and I know very well how it feels to lose. The odd thing is that after the defeat has always had more motivation. I could excuse that I had no chance, that the fault of the defenders, etc. but I am a goalkeeper and I'm defending the goal. In this way I learned to be responsible for themselves and for what I do. And now I can say with conviction: Do not be afraid of failure. It just shows what else you need to improve, giving greater incentive and makes it taste the victory even better. If you fall, and everyone wrote down you have a loss, show how wrong they were, show them and yourself that you have eggs, you know what you want and nothing and no one will stop to have it.

If you want to do something great in life, but so far you did not you have anything in that direction, because either you do not succeed, or you have had enough courage to even dream about it is knowing that you have to transform into a soldier with the only difference that your gun is your mind. Start a fight for it as a war. You have to. You have no choice.

Get away from the minimalism of social, have somewhere rising prices and constant complaining. Success comes to those who so wish, but must be true lust. Sow seed in his head and conscientiously Water the success of these positive thoughts, passion and inspiration. You'll see what life is fascinating.

You're the one / ai fantastic / a, you deserve all the best in the world. So from now (not tomorrow), P start thinking in terms of victory, success and fulfilled dreams. Every day before going to bed imagine what you want to achieve. This brings great results, yourself and see for yourself.

Start reading the book of people who have come where you would like to come. Move into the unknown! Finally, remember that here and now is the best time to start working. The losers are the only ones who have never tried to fight for your dreams. Good luck

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