As the whole time I develop for you about time management, today I would like for you to raise the matter quite significantly associated with this. How much time daily to save or try to remember a shopping list? How much time is wasted trying to "quickly" to learn new words? Today, I prepared for you a list of eight basic principles that you need to know if you want to increase speed and efficiency of your memory.
Basic rules to remember
Establish in your mind the perfect memory requires that your imagination has created the most "live" images and associations. Their main principles of creation are:
1. If you already have images that only positive
In most cases it is better to encourage remembering and practicing the memory, because the mind is much more likely to return to them
2.In the colors of the rainbow
Wherever possible, use colors in as many colors and shades. You can try it and see for yourself how much does it affect your mind
In each image, movement, or any other action provide excellent opportunities for associations to facilitate the "mental coding" new associations. "Liven" so their images in all sizes!
4.Surrealism and humor
Start playing with the mind and imagination. Surrealism and humor of a CI help.
Always try to combine new information with something old and well known by you. Use a symbolism.
Quickly remember exaggerated images to the size, width, volume, shape and sound.
Numbering enhances images in our mind and helps to order and logic.
7.As many details as possible
Try in all things that you remember to see how much detail. Look carefully at each image before you woll lokate it permanently into your mind.
Faster and more efficient memory requires the use of all the senses that is:
Thanks to this experience becomes more personal and much easier you will be taken in the memory.
As you can see some of them I have spoken with maps, ideas, and even if you master these bases well it seems to me that you'll have no problems remembering even the longest shopping list.
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