Monday, November 8, 2010

The Butterfly Effect - Productivity and self-management

Today I write about productivity, because I believe that the art of seduction is not on the board for women only, but it's continuous improvement of our lives in many different fields. In the process of continuous improvement of productivity is extremely important. I believe that time is the only capital that man possessed at the very start. Depending on how you invest it, you will receive proportional renumeration.
Often we fall into the trap and the immediate pleasure instead of doing anything that will bring any benefit, enter the mode of a short satisfaction. I'll show you how the impulses do not break away from work.

Short satisfaction is defined here as: watching TV, playing on the computer serving the Internet and reading about some having nothing to do with you or any other disaster of worthless information, etc.

Investing time in something that brings benefit: learning foreign languages, watching a movie inspiring us to continue our work, affirmations, exercise, reading interesting articles that bring something in your life work, etc.

TODAY I will let YOU ONE OF the most effective techniques concerning productivity!

Remember: just knowing her, will not change anything in your life. Get used to it and is growing in strength!


"A small change in initial conditions of an event, such as air turbulence caused by the fluttering wings of a butterfly in Ohio can result in completely unpredictable results, such as dust storm in Texas."

It's like feeling every day for 10 words from a foreign language, but under the pressure of time after the year 3650 words umielibyśmy new language. Or spend 20 minutes every day for running - I know, I know after the first day will not be able to get up from bed!

Probably will spend four days starting in this way! But I see that after 14 days you will feel satisfaction and gain a much better mood. It will be just a great investment, compared with 20 minutes of daily exercise. I regularly run from about 3 months, I think it's a great time and spent a good investment in better health and wellbeing! We're about to reveal a strategy for use for some time, until they reach a satisfactory result.

Previously, I worked a full-time, now when I have my own business, or I can work all day or all day slack. There is no division is working 8 hours, 8 hours of lazy! I have to limit himself as to the time spent on the Internet. Sometimes it happened that I wanted to check email on onecie only when I suddenly flew into a giant ad nos "Win?" Blah blah .. " unconsciously and impulsively clicked on the ad, I read .. I noticed another interesting article and click again .. click .. after only a few moments to look YYyyyyHhh! O.o 2.5 hours have passed, as you can! So soon? aaaaaAAAAAAAaaaa! This time has passed forever, and a heap of work ahead of me!

Now when I write this article, I have turned off the internet, cell phone and all the other benefits! I focus exclusively on the article for you!


Necessary equipment: pen card

Write at the top of the page: BUTTERFLIES

While working on (no matter how), when suddenly occurs to you to perform some action save it on paper. After 30 minutes you can look at a piece without the impulse of emotion, and to freely determine whether it is really necessary action to wykonania.Strategia is designed so that you not been distracted during activities that do and do not come your whole heap of other ideas to do in addition to what is really important.

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